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Avainsana: Shortwave

The Fun Fan Club

Klubi on luotu syventämään yhteyttä tiettyjen radioasemien kanssa. Olemme valinneet joukkoon mielestämme omaperäisiä ja kuuntelijaystävällisiä tahoja. Uusia saa ehdottaa kun perustelee… ja jo olemassa olevien tarinaa saa jokainen rikastuttaa.

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Logs for May 2017

01.05. 15690 1115 D: Radio Farda, Biblis. Lähettää tässä 05.30-16.00 UTC
01.05. 17755 1230 ROU: RRI Tiganesti. Romanialaista musiikkia, mutta juonto kiinaksi yllätti.
02.05. 17615 1310 ARS: BSKSA Riyadh. Koraanikanavan releointia vahvasti 16 metrin aaltoalueella. Taajuus voi olla myös 17625 kHz. SW.infon mukaan asema on tähän aikaan äänessä molemmilla taajuuksilla, ja tarkkaa taajuutta onkin mahdoton päätellä jälkikäteen nettitietojen avulla. Nämä vihjetason asemat on nimittäin kuunneltu roskalavalta löydetyllä analogisella Hitachi TRK-5030E:llä, joka tuli varsin vähällä vaivalla kuntoon. Radio on 1970-luvun puolivälin matkaradio, ja sentyyppisillä ovat monet varmaan DX-nousukaudella ahkerasti harrastaneet.
02.05. 15370 1615 CVA: Radio Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria. Paavillisia asioita venäjäksi.
02.05. 11810 1710 ROU: RRI Tiganesti. Häirikköaseman kainalossa englanniksi mm. Ukrainan euroviisuista.
02.05. 918 1957 E: Radio Inter, Madrid. Probably with ERTU in Arabic. SVN off air tonight!
05.05. 15220 1007 CHN: CRI Kashi-Saibagh. Kiinan terveydenhuollosta ohjelmassa ”Mai Kina” unkariksi.
05.05. 15130 1132 ROU: RRI Galbeni. Englanninkielinen lähetys.
05.05. 15390 1330 D: Athmeeya Yatra Radio, Nauen. Tangkhulinkielistä rukoilua.
05.05 15160 1347 ROU: RRI Tiganesti. Venäjäksi. ”Vy efire Inter Radio Romania”.
05.05. 11910 1425 ROU: RRI Tiganesti. ”Europäischen presseschau” ( & ”Volksmusik”.
05.05. 11790 1500 CHN: CRI Urumqi. Venäjänkielisen ohjelman aloitus uutisin.
05.05. 11700 1503 PHL: Vatican Radio, Palauig-Zambales. Tamilinkielinen lähetys pienen nopean feidin kera.
06.05. 6135 0155 BOL: Radio Santa Cruz. ”Radio Santa Cruz, desde Santa Cruz de la Sierra”. QRM UNID carrier.
06.05. 514 0220 EST: GO Ämari.
06.05. 432 0225 EST: G Ämari.
06.05. 398 0230 FIN: ESS Esse.
06.05. 397 0230 EST: UM Tartu. Weak under ESS.
06.05. 365 0235 FIN: VS Tampere/Vesilahti.
06.05. 1539 2130 UAE: tent. Asianet Radio. Testing here! Unclear ID’s and announcements.
07.05. 1467 1949 F: TWR Polska, Roumoules.
16.05. 15130 1015 ROU: RRI Tiganesti. Ranskaksi 19 metrillä.
20.05. 11950 1330 ROU: RRI Galbeni. Kotimaanohjelman releointia, mainio kuuluvuus.
22.05. 13635 0813 TUR: TRT Emirler. Turkinkielistä ohjelmaa, ID ”Türkiyenin Sesi Radyosu”. Demokratia oli tapetilla. Kuului täällä puhtaammin kuin 25 metrillä (3-4).

Another kind of loggings will follow… Aside of DX catches, I like to give an idea to our international readers, where (in which kind of country) these catches are maden! So here it comes – just a quick view to some of our colourful birds seen this spring in my QTH garden.

An European Robin (Erithacus rubecula) has stayed here all winter long, which is pretty rare here in 62.5 degrees North. At the moment they are more numerous, because Southern European tourists have arrived!

Photo by André Karwath aka Aka – Oma teos, CC BY-SA 2.5,

Instead these guys (Turdus philomelos) have been probably in Iberian peninsula all winter long! A song thrush was identified on April 30, 2017 in the garden, unfortunately only passing-by.

Photo by Andreas Trepte – Oma teos, CC BY-SA 2.5,

The common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) is said to be second most common bird in Finland (must be millions!). The male is brightly coloured with a blue-grey cap and rust-red underparts. Some of them can be seen in Central Finland all year around, but usually they fly to Southern Scandinavia or Western Europe for the coldest season. ”Old people” use to say it takes ”half a month to the summer” after seeing first chaffinch of the year. Since female chaffinchs arrive a bit after the males, and I have seen already a week ago a female chaffinch in the garden, we can say that summer 2017 has officially begun in the dacha!

Photo by Thermos – Oma teos, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Eurasian blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus, syn. Parus caeruleus) is easily recognisable by its blue and yellow plumage and its size. Central Finland belongs to the northernmost regions, where it lives regularly.

Photo by © Francis C. Franklin / CC-BY-SA-3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Blackbird (Turdus merula) is a common guest in dacha!

Photo by Malene Thyssen (User:Malene) – This image was copied from da:Billede:Solsort.jpg on the Danske summary21. jul 2004 kl. 22:30Malene300x22377974(Bedre foto af solsort)8. okt 2003 kl. 09:38Malene302x21318437(Foto af solsort), CC BY-SA 3.0,

The great tit (Parus major) is a distinctive bird with a black head and neck, prominent white cheeks, olive upperparts and yellow underparts. It lives here all around the year.

Photo by JMN, QTH balcony October 2, 2015

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Pirate Hunt 2017

Pirate hunt ”Pongaa Piraatti Pääsiäisenä” 2017 will be held during Easter 2017 (celebrated in Finland on April 14th – 16th). We try to keep rules simple:

  • log as many PIRATE station as possible between April 14th 0000 UTC and April 16th 2359 UTC
  • all bands are accepted but only stations without license are counted (no relays by legal stations) Stations with many names shall be counted only once.
  • ID has to be heard or identification should be otherwise confirmed
  • post your full logs on forum (, Facebook group or by e-mail staff @, during or after the contest (but until April 30th, 2017)
  • participating is free for anyone and all participants will receive a diploma later
  • results will be published in May

Pongaa piraatti pääsiäisenä 2017 is organized by a local radio club Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset (Radioactives of Middle Finland)

A warm welcome!


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Jyväskylä Calling…

Greetings from Jyväskylä. As of Jan-Mikael wrote couple of words, I also write short blogging about my ”radioactivities” here in Ylä-Mäyrämäki, Jyväskylä. Well yeah! Spring is coming!  Nice and warm (+4° C) weather here. Hmmm could I say warm? Maybe something like tolerable than when we have hard frost or as usual temperatures this time of year. Spring is coming quite early. Now that the FM has been quiet for distant signals, I’ve had time to concentrate on ”traditional waves”, mainly on short waves. My main receivers for traditional DXing are: Good old Yaesu FRG-7700 with FRT-7700, Sangean ATS-909x and Tecsun BCL-3000. Antennas: BOG and home made magnetic loop. My QTH is near power line so it gives challenges to catch signals especially from medium waves. Well even QTH is quite poor for traditional DXing, proper antenna grounding gives at least some results. Mainly I just collect stations which for one reason or another left without listening to over the years.


Some of my loggings (updated: 9.3.2014):

900 8.3 1915- I: RAI Lombardia
1197 8.3 1925- G: AbsoluteRadio
5780 23.2 1942- UNID: Horizon FM. Nice signal this time. But is this from Canary Island? I doubt!
6005 8.3 1106 D: R 700, Kell-Krekei
6070 9.3 1504 D: Radio Channel 292, Rohrbach Waal
6180 4.3 1630- TWN: R. Taiwan Int
6200 9.3 0958- HOL: Technical Man, Pirate
6265 9.3 0921- HOL: R Nora, Pirate
6287 9.3 0842- HOL: R Altrex, Pirate
7265 8.3 0837 D: Hamburger LokalRadio, Göhren bei Schwerin
7295 3.3 1543- MLA: TraxxFM
9515 5.3 1605- KOR: KBS World. Heard this many many time since 1992. Send many reports and only received one QSL from KBS (1992) and funny thing is that time it was relay via Sackville Canada 😀
12070 2.3 1900- RRW: DW Kigali
15120 8.3 0900 NIG: Vo Nigeria
27828 9.3 1050- IRL: The Church Of The Immaculate Conception, Blarney Parish, Blarney, Cloyne Diocese, Co Cork.



Power lines near my QTH (about 100 meters away from my house)

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